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Happiness Hearts Soft Toy Tutorial


May this Happiness Heart fill your heart with love and make you smile.


The content and/or images from this page are to be used for a personal nature only.


Items created from the Free Happiness Heart Pattern & Tutorial are not to be mass produced and sold for personal gain in any way. 


Permission is given for the Happiness Heart Soft Toy to be mass produced, only for The Handmade with Love Project.

Happiness Hearts are super cute and are great gift to make and give to someone you love. This soft toy pattern is really basic and a good place to start if you have never made a soft toy before.


I like to use beautiful patchwork fabrics for my Hearts they also look good using a combination of patchwork fabric, flannel fabric and super soft Minkiee fabric to add texture. If you haven't made one of my Soft Toys before, I suggest you read the following information in the link below before you begin.




A good heart!

Two pieces of fabric, 11 1/2 inches X 10 1/2 inches (29cm X 26cm). Use 100% cotton quilting fabric.


Quilters Muslin or 100% cotton white or cream fabric for lining the Soft Toy. Two pieces of fabric, 11 1/2 inches X 10 1/2 inches (29cm X 26cm).


For the Arms, two pieces of fabric 100% cotton quilting fabric 7 inches X 6 inches (18cm  X 16cm).


For the Legs, two pieces of fabric 100% cotton quilting fabric 8 inches X 6 1/2 inches (21cm X 17cm). 

For the Happiness Heart's Features

Fabric for the Pupil in the centre of each Eye. A white fabric with a black dot works well.


Pieces of Felt, Woolen-felt and/or Pure Woolen Blanketing Fabric. Use the Pattern Sheets as a guide for the amount required. The features on the Pattern Sheets are the same size they will be on your Heart.


Colours- One colour for the outer area on the eye (the cross and circle shapes) and a cream or white colour for the backing of Pupil on the Eye. Red or pink for the Heart's mouth.

DMC Embroidery Thread to match the colours of the felt, woolen-felt or pure wool material chosen for the feature pieces on the Happiness Heart.


This will be used to blanket-stitch around each feature piece made and to sew each feature into position on the Heart. You will need a colour for the outer eye pieces, white for the pupil and red or pink for the mouth.



A small amount of Fusible Webbing. Enough to make all the Heart's features e.g. the eyes, the pupils and the mouth. Refer to the Pattern Sheet to work out the exact amount required. The features on the Pattern Sheet are to scale.

Additional Supplies

Lead Pencil, Tracing Paper or Baking Paper, Sewing Machine, Cotton (colour to match the colour of the fabric on the Hearts Body, Arms and Legs), Dress Making Scissors, Embroidery Needle and a Wooden Paint Brush for turning & stuffing.


Polyester Fill for stuffing the Happiness Heart.


For information on what stuffing to use, please read this link The 'Stuff' that Toys are made of!


Are you ready to create a little bundle of happiness?

Download and print off the Happiness Hearts Pattern. 

Happiness Hearts Pattern

Trace the Pattern for the Hearts Body onto tracing paper or baking paper. Remember to mark all the open-seams onto your traced Pattern piece too. Trace the arm and leg patterns also and mark the open-seams as well.

Important: All stitches must be made with love.

You will begin making the legs and arms first.

1. Take one of the 8 inch X 6 1/2 inch pieces of fabric for the leg. Place a piece of your lining fabric  (cut to the same size) directly behind the fabric piece.


2. Fold the fabric piece right sides together and pin the leg paper pattern to the folded fabric.


Begin sewing the leg at the top right hand side using a small stitch on your sewing machine and a cotton which matches the colour of the fabric being sewn. Sew all the way around to the other side of the leg.


3. The feet and hands on the Heart are going to be stuffed quite firmly. To make these areas strong you will need to sew the bottom of the feet and arms twice on the sewing machine. Image 3 shows you where to start and finish sewing.







4. Cut out the leg 1/4 inch away from the seam just sewn.


5. Using your scissors make small snips around the seam. Be careful not to cut your sewn seam. 


6. Cut away some of the excess fabric on the leg's seam. 





7. Turn the leg to its right side. Now make the second leg for the Heart.


8a, 8b & 8c. When you have finished making the legs, fold the top of each leg together (image 8a.) and press with an iron (image 8b). Pin in the top together (image 8c). Pop the legs aside now you are ready to make the arms.




9. The arms are made in exactly the same way as the legs. Take one of the 7 inch X 6 inch pieces of fabric, and placce a piece of your lining fabric (cut to the same size) directly behind the fabric piece. Fold the fabric piece right sides together and pin the arm paper pattern to the fabric. Begin sewing on the right hand side of the pattern.


10. Sew all around the arm pattern to the other side.


11. As suggested before the feet and hands on the Heart are going to be stuffed quite firmly. To make these areas strong you will need to sew the hand area on the arms twice on the sewing machine. Image 11 shows you where to start and finish sewing.



12. Cut out the arm 1/4 inch away from the seam just sewn, and using your scissors make small snips around the seam. Be careful not to cut your sewn seam. Cut away some of the excess fabric on the arm's seam and turn the arm to its right side.


13. Now make the second arm for the Heart.



The legs and arms for the Happiness Heart ready to be stuffed.


14. Stuffing the Hands and Feet

Information about stuffing soft toys can be found by clicking on the link below.


Using fibre fill and a stuffing stick like the end of a wooden paint brush, stuff fill into the hands and feet of the Heart. The hands and feet will need to be stuffed quite firmly. Only fill to the wrist and ankle areas. 

Sewing the Arms and Legs to the Body of the Heart.

15. Take the two fabric pieces for the Body which are 11 1/2 inches X 10 1/2 inches and place the lining fabric (cut to the same size) directly behind each piece.


16. Place the fabric for the Body right sides together so that the reverse side is showing. Place the paper pattern for the Heart in the middle of the fabric and pin in position. Trace the heart shape onto the fabric using a lead pencil. Transfer all open seams. 




17. Sew around the heart pattern on the sewing machine, using a small stitch and a cotton which matches the colour of your Heart's body fabric. Do not sew over any of the open-seams. Sew the body twice.


18. Image 18 shows the Heart body sewn twice. The arrows indicate all the open-seams on the body. 



19. Cut out the body of the Heart 1/4 inch away from your sewn seams. At the open-seam areas on the body cut roughly 1/2 inch out from the sewn seam.


20. Now you are ready to sew the arms into the body of the Heart. Image 20 demonstrates which way the hand must sit (with the thumb up) inside the heart. 


21. Pop the arm inside the body. 




22. Poke the end of the arm through one of the open-seams for the arm with the thumb poking up, and pin in position.


23. Sew the arm in place on the sewing machine. 24. Sew this arm area twice. Now position and pin the other arm in place and sew it in on the sewing machine.




25. Image 25, shows the position the leg will be sewn into the body of the Heart.


26. Place the leg inside the body position and pin it in place.


27. Using the sewing machine sew the leg in place.




28. Place the remaining leg in position and secure with pins. Make sure that both feet are facing the same direction.


29. Using the sewing machine, sew the second leg in place. Trim the entire seam around the Heart down to 1/4 inch,  just leave a 1/2 inch seam at the remaining open-seam where the body will be turned.


30a & 30b. Using your scissors make small snips around the seam. Be careful not to cut your sewn seam. 

Cut away some of the excess fabric around the Heart and turn the Heart to its right side.






31. Congratulations, your Happiness Heart is almost done!

Now you need to fill your heart with (love) fibre fill.



Stuffing your Happiness Heart

32. You will need your fibre fill and your stuffing tool. A wooden paint brush with the bristles cut off work well.


Begin stuffing fill through the open-seam on the side of the Heart. Push the fill up into the peaks of the Heart. Use your fingers as well as the wooden brush to push and reach into areas you can't get to with your fingers.


Once the heart is three quarters full of fill, this is the point were I like to begin sewing the open-seam closed.




Hand sewing your Heart Closed.

In the tutorial The Stuff that Toys are made of! I suggest you use a Ladder Stitch to close the  open-seam on your Soft Toys. 


You can sew your Happiness Heart closed using the Ladder Stitch or do the following stitch which is a little easier.

33. Taking the DMC Thread which is the same colour as the fabric on the Heart's body. Cut a length of thread and divide the strands so you have 2 stands of cotton.


Take your embroidery needle and thread the 2 stands together, through the head of the needle and tie a knot at the end.


Begin sewing where your sewn seam on the Heart finishes. Pull the needle through the inside to the outside edge of the fabric. Pull the two sides of the open-seam together with your fingers and take the needle up and over to the seam adjacent, pushing the tip of the needle through the edge of the fabric through to the fabric on the opposite side.


You are simply taking the needle up and over and through the 2 layers of fabric at the open-seam. Continue hand sewing along the seam in this manner making your stitches quite close to one another. Add a bit more stuffing as you go until the Heart is quite firm.


Take your needle through your last loop on your hand sewing to make a knot. Take the needle and thread out through anywhere on the body on the inside and cut the thread. 


Now you are ready to make the features for your Heart.

The Happiness Heart  fully stuffed with love.


Making the Features for the Happiness Heart

If you have never made one of my Soft Toys before you will find the following link, Making and Sewing on the Features helpful. It has detailed information on what felts to use and how to use fusible webbing to create features for your toy.

34. On the paper side of your fusible webbing using a lead pencil, trace the applique shapes on the Pattern Sheet for the outer eyes (cross & circle), two smaller circles for the pupils and the mouth. Cut out all the drawn shapes a good 1/4 inch away from the drawn pencil lines.'

35a & 35b. Making the Outer Eyes and Mouth for the Heart.


a.. Take your felt or woolen-blanketing material and place it face down on the ironing board, so the reverse side of the material is showing.


b. Place the paper piece with the glue-side down on top of the reverse side of the material. Tip: Felt and Woolen Fabrics can be very delicate and burn easily, so cover the area to be pressed with the iron with a scrap piece of cotton fabric to protect it from the heat.


c. Press with a dry hot iron for a few seconds only, just enough to melt the glue.


d.. The paper shape is now stuck to the reverse side of the fabric. 


e. Allow it to cool them cut around the shape, carefully following the lines. Your applique piece is now ready to be Blanket-Stitched and sewn onto the Heart.





36. Making the Pupils for the Eyes.


a. The Heart's pupils are made using quilting fabric. I chose a white fabric with a black dot. Simply trace the pupil circle shape for the eye onto fusible webbing and cut out the circle out from the pencil line.


b. Place the quilting fabric (white with a black dot) face down on the ironing board. With the reverse side of the fabric facing up, place the circle shape centred directly over the top of one of the black dots on the fabric.


c. Press with the iron, allow to cool then carefully cut out the circle.


d. Now using a piece of woolen-felt or blanketing material preferably a colour similar to the white or cream of the quilting fabric, peal off the paper from the back of the shape and place the fabric shape ('glue' side down) on top of the woolen-felt or blanketing material. 


e. Press the circle shape with the iron. When it is cool, cut out the circle following the outside edge of the shape. Your pupil pieces are now ready to be Blanket-Stitched onto the outer eye shapes.


36a, b &c.



The Happiness Heart with her features ready to be Blanket-Stitched and sewn onto het body.

Blanket-Stitching your prepared Features and sewing them onto the Happiness Heart.

37. Your Happiness Heart is almost finished. The link below will take you to a tutorial which will show you in detail how to Blanket-Stitch around the outer eye pieces and the mouth. 

38. Once you have blanket-stitched the outer eye pieces and the mouth, you will need to blanket-stitch the pupils for the eyes onto your outer eye pieces.


The link below will take you to a tutorial which will show you how to do this.


39. With all your features for the Happiness Heart blanket-stitched you are now ready to position, pin and sew the features onto the body of the Heart.


The link below will take you to a tutorial which will show you how to do this.

Congratulations you have made a beautiful Happiness Heart for someone special.

If you can find it in your heart please consider making and donating a Happiness Heart to a sick child at the Children's Hospital. 

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The Handmade with Love Project,

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